Monday, 14 April 2014

I am currently running the prosthetic and props department for an exciting upcoming short. We've got some interesting things going on here! Not least the creation of an animatronic baby! Here are a few work in progress pics - hugely looking forward to our early May shoot!

 Pig child sculpt, lacquered and ready for fibreglassing!

Here is our fibreglass mould, expertly made by my skilled colleagues Emily Christman and Alan H, 
with the clay being laid in for the core

Freaky clay pig child pulled out of the fibreglass mould, with our fibreglass core just visible

 Mini placenta test!

 Final placenta and umbilical cord, crafted by Dave Felstead in gun silicone and latex

Here is our pregnancy belly, beautifully painted by Ella Noble, and below the fabrication of the baby bump, crafted by myself

 Baby bump with waterproof covering for shower scene - this shape is more like it!

Testing the skin over the stuffing - a couple of minor alterations needed and we're good to go! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Andrew! Glad you like it! I had a look at your blog and your illustration work is amazing!
